Call for Papers

The Scientific Committee is looking for contributions in all the scientific areas covered by the conference. To submit a contribution, please write a 2-4 pages abstract following the provided templates. Note that the upper limit of 4 pages refers to extended abstracts excluding the list of references. Templates are available in Latex (preferred option) and MS Word. The final submission must be in English and in PDF format.

If you would like to contribute to one of the mini-symposia, the list of the accepted ones can be found on the mini-symposium page.

Important dates for submitting an abstract:

  • The abstract submission opens on March 14, 2024
  • The submission deadline is June 5th, 2024 (extended from May 01, 2024), midnight Central European Summer Time (CEST)
  • The authors will be informed about acceptance / rejection latest until July 3rd, 2024

All abstracts will be reviewed and acceptance will be communicated to the authors in due time. All accepted abstracts will be available online on the Conference website. Each speaker is allowed to give only one presentation, except for keynote speakers, who are allowed to give a second presentation besides.

Abstracts can be submitted using the following portal.


  • To submit an abstract (and for registration later on) you need to create a conftool user account.
  • Please provide valid name, address, and email address, since these will be used later for sending you relevant information about your submission.
  • In case you used conftool before, please note that your user account of former conferences is not valid any more.
  • After creating an accound you will be able to select "Submit Contribution" (opening on March 14, 2024).
  • Please enter all required details for your contribution into the submission form (marked by asterisk) and proceed.
  • Until the submission deadline, you can update your contribution details or withdraw the contribution.

Deadlines and relative updates can be found on the key dates and registration page.

Last Modified: 16.05.2024